Accreditation Criteria

Accreditation is reserved to fashion industry professionals attending the event in a work capacity (press, buyers, influencers, stylists, photographers, broadcasters, sales agents). Criteria to apply can be found below. 


  • Applicants must be commissioned for a publication that is well established in the fashion community and can prove an adequate reach. 
  • Applicants must have proof of recently published work within the past 12 months, online or in print. 
  • Due to the large number of applications, the BFC does not accredit student publications. 


  • Applicants must work for a store that is well established in the fashion community, with an e-commerce store AND/OR physical store 
  • Applicants must be able to show a list of stocked brands
  • If asked for more information, please be prepared to submit one of the following: Photograph of the store, E-commerce links, 2x invoices from designer brands, Company Licence and letter from designer brands

Content Creator / Social Media Influencer

To be accredited as a social media influencer, you must meet one of the criteria below:

  • Instagram: Fashion-related content with a minimum of 35K followers
  • YouTube: Average of 50K views per fashion-related video, and a minimum of 60K subscribers
  • TikTok: A minimum of 100k followers, 30 posts related to fashion in the past year and between 30k-50k average views per video 
  • Website / Blog: Over 15,000 Monthly Unique Visitors – please provide clearly dated statistics from the last three months 


  • Accreditation is open for Front of House Access only at the BFC NEWGEN Show Space; no editors, presenters, producers, reporters, runners will be allowed FOH access 
  • As FOH Access is limited at the BFC NEWGEN Show Space, access will be granted on a first come, first serve basis
  • To apply for access to shows outside of the BFC NEWGEN Show Space, photographers need to contact the designer PRs directly
  • To apply for backstage access, photographers need to contact the designer PRs directly
  • Applicants must be catwalk photographers commissioned to shoot for an agency or publication
  • Please note that the BFC does not accredit freelance photographers 
  • Applicants must be able to submit: 
  • A signed and dated commissioning letter from this season 
  • An agreement to BFC’s Terms & Conditions and Image Usage Rights. 
  • Please submit your documents by inserting a link with the required documentation, using either WeTransfer or Dropbox


  • Applicants must provide proof of recently published work within fashion with credits 
  • Applicants must be able to show a list of relevant fashion clients / proof of employment 

Multi-brand Showroom 

  • Applicants must work for a showroom that is well established in the fashion community 
  • Applicants must be able to provide proof of brands that they represent