E.L.V. Denim

E.L.V. Denim hero image
E.L.V. Denim logo
E.L.V. DENIM is a pioneering British luxury brand dedicated to crafting timeless fashion pieces from 100% upcycled materials. Breathing  a second life into garments that were
destined for landfill, transforming loss into luxury. In a world of over-consumption, E.L.V. DENIM challenges convention and provides another way. 

E.L.V. DENIM stands for East London Vintage Denim, as all the designs are developed produced locally in East London. Attention to detail is paramount – every piece is carefully curated, washed, paired, and cut by hand by a local community of creatives, tailors, machinists, artists and designers the brand supports. 

Every jean is made using only vintage rigid denim features couture tailoring to ensure the perfect fit. Our recognisable design is not only an aesthetic one, but also a functional one, as the ‘4 seam design’ have Saville Row allowance which means you can easily tailor you jeans.  Every piece is unique and designed to last a lifetime.

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Áine McCourt

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